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Alyssia of Bored & Loved – A Crochet Maker Interview

Alyssia is a maker, sharing her love of fantasy designs (and yarn spinning!) on Instagram @bored_and_loved. First off, I’d like to say thank you so much to Alyssia for agreeing to this interview, and for your speedy responses!
What inspired you to start crocheting?
Alyssia: I originally wanted to learn knitting but my Aunt taught me how to crochet instead.
Sage: Funny how two crafts can look so similar, but be so different! That’s lovely your Aunt took the time to teach you, and I suppose it’s never too late to add another hobby 😄
Are you a one-project-at-a-time person, or do you have lots of WIPs on the go?
Alyssia: I tend to have multiple projects going at once.
What’s your favourite piece that you’ve made?
Alyssia: My favorite pieces I make are the large dragons since I put so much time into them.
Sage: Fair enough, some of the dragons you’ve made are so massive, they’d be my favourites too!

What’s the most challenging project you’ve worked on? What made it difficult?
Alyssia: The most challenging project I’ve done would probably be my pattern test dragon I made for Prismatic Fiber (Ravelry Link). It was a very large project that I had 5 weeks to get done and it had a lot of little details and shaping. (See video below!)
Sage: Wow, that looks amazing, and would’ve been so much work, great job!
How do you stay motivated and inspired, especially during creative blocks?
Alyssia: One way I stay motivated is by working on a simple project until I get my inspiration back or playing a video game to take my mind off of crochet.
Sage: Great ideas! I often lose myself in a video game when I need a mental break as well, though unfortunately sometimes I think that can make it take longer for me to get back to crochet if I find myself too lost 😄
Is there a designer you love, or a specific pattern you can’t get enough of?
Alyssia: Crafty Intentions is my favorite designer, while the Toothless pattern from Red Mill’s Crochet is my favorite to make.

What’s your go-to yarn and crochet hook?
Alyssia: My go-to yarn is acrylic with a 4mm hook. I like acrylic for its large range of colors and it’s easy to carry around and find at my local grocery store. And I can make it bulky if needed by double or triple-stranding it.
Sage: That’s a great tip about double or triple-stranding the yarn to make it bulky size, thanks for sharing!
What advice would you give to aspiring crocheters who are just starting?
Alyssia: My advice for aspiring creators is to find a niche that works for you and just have fun making things. Some crocheters like making plushies, while others like making clothing, and some like to do both. And don’t be afraid to try different kinds of yarn to find your preference.
Sage: Thank you so much for your advice, I can definitely agree with that…craft what brings joy, and don’t be afraid of finding your own niche!

Thank you so much for your time and for sharing a little of your journey with us, Alyssia.
If you’d like to follow along with what Alyssia is making head on over to her Instagram! And thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to have a read 🥰 Sign up for my newsletter if you’d like to make sure you don’t miss any future posts (as well as to get a free pattern and access to my pattern colouring pages!), and feel free to send me a message if you have any ideas or maker/designer recommendations for future interviews!
Happy crafting ❤️

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