Crochet Colouring Pages

Dive deeper into the world of Little Seal Designs crochet patterns with these companion colouring pages, perfect for relaxing after a long day, or to calm the kids down so you have more time to crochet ✨

These colouring pages were hand-crafted by the amazingly talented @solinkie_art 🥰 We have more in the works, so make sure you check back, or sign up for my newsletter so you don’t miss any new releases ❤️

Saoirse the Mouse

Saoirse [seer-sha] is an adventurous little mouse, eager to explore the world outside her home.

Tess of the Squirrel Folk

Daring Tess never backs down from a challenge!

Othello of the Otter Folk

Othello is a happy-go-lucky fellow without much concern about anything. He’s the sort that’s rarely on time when you invite him over, but he’s such good company that you quickly forgive him.

The Lizard’s Choice

With countless adventures to be had, at least the lizard was able to start with a good night’s sleep 😴